Flesch Verbs: --------- Bear, Blow, Break, Bring Call, Carry, Cast, Catch, Come, Cut Do, Draw, Drive, Drop Fall Get, Give, Go hang, hold keep Lay, Let, Look Make pick, pull, push, put run set, shake, show, skip, slip, split, stand, stay, stick, strike Take, Talk, Tear, Throw, Tie, Touch, Turn Walk, Wear, Work to pair with Flesch adverbs: -------------------- about, across, ahead, along, apart, around, aside, away back down forth in off, on, out, over through, together under, up Joe Vitale Power Words: Affectionate Aggressive Agonized Angry Annoyed Anxious Apathetic Apologetic Arrogant Assume Bashful Betrayed Blissful Blue Bored Burdened Cautious Charmed Cheated Cheerful Concentrating Condemned Confident Conflicted Confused Contented Crushed Curious Defeated Depressed Despairing Determined Disappointed Disapproving Disbelieving Discouraged Disgusted Dissatisfied Distractible Distraught Disturbed Dominated Dream Eager Ecstatic Empathetic Empty Energetic Enraged Enthusiastic Envious Envision Evil Excited Exhausted Experience Failure Fantasize Fearful Feel Find Flustered Foolish Forgetful Frantic Frightened Frustrated Guilty Happy Hear Helpful Helpless High Hopeful Hopeless Horrible Hurt Hysterical Idiotic Ignored Imagine Impulsive Indecisive Indifferent Infuriated Innocent Interested Intimidated Irritable Isolated Jealous Jumpy Kind Lazy Left Out Listen Lonely Love struck Loving Manic Meditative Melancholy Miserable Negative Nervous Notice Obstinate Okay Optimistic Outraged Pained Panicky Paranoid Peaceful Persecuted Picture Pressured Prudish Punished Put Upon Puzzled Regretful Rejected Relaxed Relieved Restless Sad Satisfied Savor Scared See Sense Shocked Sleepy Smell Smug Spiteful Stunned Stupid Suppose Surly Surprised Sympathetic Taste Tense Terrible Terrified Think Tired Touch Trapped Troubled Ugly Unhappy Uninterested Unmotivated Vision Visualize Vulnerable Weepy Wonderful Worried Worthless