Random thoughts on terrible writing that is popular: Many readers seem to like stories with characters that are cipher-like placeholders without personalities or very narrow personalities. They like language that is 'writing'. Maybe it makes them feel engaged in something substantial to read words that are blantantly manufactured and show great artifice. I am amazed that clunky, verbose or convoluted phrases are accepted as proof of good writing. Most reviews that make a point of saying 'good' or 'great' writing are usually talking about this way of writing. Not necessarily flowery really but strained. As though you need to make your way through the writing to get at the story like you are walking through jungle foiliage or something. Readers don't trust writing talk seems effortless. They need writing they can feel, that they need to wade through and navigate. They like the 'action' and 'interior' thoughts of charaters to be heavy-handed also. Overly emotional. Studied. Deliberate. Drawn-out. My writing, that takes after Leonard's unobtrusive style, seems to be lost on readers that see it as bad writing or a lack of style. I'm writing stuff for one target audience in a way that would be appreciated by another -different- target audience. I am missing the boat, I think.