'turn to dust',
'up to speed',
'neither can I',
'icing on the cake',
'jam packed',
'move forward',
'in short order',
'make a splash',
'ballpark figure',
'keep an eye out',
'more often than not',
'made a point of',
'end up with',
'off the rails',
'rise above',

'have it in for', 'put up a fight', 'press charges', 'stand pat', 'the thing is', 'steer clear', 'first and foremost', 'speaking of which', 'bear in mind', 'palm off', 'come in handy', 'miss out on', 'way to go', 'with an eye toward', 'spring into action', 'scratch the surface', 'touch base',

'in the lurch', 'run circles around', 'bear in mind', 'play it by ear', 'shoot your bolt', 'get your ass in gear', 'come to terms with', 'for the sake of arguement', 'compare notes', 'business as usual', 'in due course', 'from time to time', 'dear me!', 'driven to distraction', 'jump the gun', 'feel free', 'where do you get off'', 'as luck would have it', 'face time', 'kept at it', 'broaden your outlook',

'biding my time', 'go to waste', 'off the hook', 'in plain words', 'turn heads', 'putty in her hands', 'at a moments notice', 'nothing short of', 'caught napping', 'in the wrong', 'strapped for cash', 'joking around', 'call it a day', 'go so far as to say', 'to top it off', 'level headed', 'coupled with', 'not at all',